[x] convert to p5
[ ] fix words & character level - can’t go back to right
[ ] 脑电波一层delay
[ ] p5 devide screen确认
[ ] 3D转2D动画
[x] p5 devide screen (brett发邮件)
Brett: You might be able to create a single p5.js canvas that spans both screens. I would try that first because it would be the simplest to implement, if it works. If it doesn't work, then you'll probably need two p5 sketches that communicate with each other. There are osc libraries you can try:
You could also use websockets instead. I found a good reddit thread with some ideas and the first library above: https://www.reddit.com/r/creativecoding/comments/eo6x2x/anyone_successfully_send_osc_open_sound_control/
Pcom test