My ITP Winter Show 2023 poster design

Screenshot 2023-10-24 at 15.34.22.png

Response: How poster works?

I find the content of this video very inspirational. It delves into several fascinating aspects of poster graphic design, capturing my interest and sparking my thoughts. One noteworthy point is the designers' endeavor to tap into our minds, striving to transform shared memories and experiences into something truly extraordinary. This process of making the intangible tangible is both complex and intriguing.

Another aspect that captured my attention is the detailed analysis of eye placement in various posters. When eyes are prominently featured, it encourages viewers to engage with the poster, mirroring our natural interactions with other people. Conversely, omitting the eyes while retaining other facial features results in a depiction that lacks personality and character. Furthermore, focusing on different facial features, while intentionally avoiding the eyes, can effectively convey specific emotions and narratives. The 'Midnight Cowboy' poster serves as a prime example of this technique.

I am also intrigued by the analysis of how different story stages are represented in poster design. For instance, the 'Rosemary's Baby' poster features a scene that intriguingly occurs after the movie's conclusion, sparking curiosity and deep thought.

Lastly, I resonate profoundly with the lecture's summary, highlighting how graphic design has evolved into a fluid form of expression in the digital age. People are constantly striving to represent themselves through their choice of fonts, photos, color palettes, and the arrangement of their posts. Graphic design has indeed become a universal language, spoken and understood by many in our digital world.

things I find interesting: