In Class
- Show: Thomas Hirschhorn - 21 street Chelsea
- Writing on Cybernetics 控制论 - N Katherine Haynes
closed-loop production system
- beer brewery waste steam - waste are used somewhere else then the outcome come back to the brewery itself
Backcasting Exercise
- going slow - inefficiency - focus more on live as a human, more on just exist
- why fast ? progressing - no progress - exist and live - animals are not looking for progress, plants are not looking for progress, intuition vs finite goal driven
- not a competition - everyone everything has their own pace, respect the difference
- exist
- not about power anymore
- idling - resistance movement
- progress and speed - how we conceptualize time - circular def of time
- whats the group agreement of time?
Krzysztof Wodiczko
David Cronenberg - Crimes of the future
Feral Atlas -